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Best Performers Ceremony QE 31 Mar 2024

Maj Gen Mahmood Sultan HI (M) Retd presided over the “Monthly Rabta Ijlaas” on 9 Apr 2024. At…

Farewell and Welcome

A fare well was arranged on 22 Mar 2024 at 1100 hrs in conf room in the honour…

Challenges of Current and Future Environmental Hazards

An informative seminar titled “Respiratory Infections – Challenges of current and future environmental hazards” was held by Pathology department…

Visit ALC by Secy COA (FFHO)

Newly appointed Secy COA visited ALC on 20 Feb 2024 and was received by Administrator FFH, HoU Rehab…

Installation of National Flag

Pakistan flag was hoisted in front of OPD block on 13 Feb 2024. Maj Gen Rahat Abbas HI…


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Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, Nov 2020

The Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation, and Coordination, in collaboration with the World Health Organization held a…

Best Performers Ceremony

Fauji Foundation Hospital has initiated system of rewarding the best performers.The individuals nominated by concerned Departments are evaluated…

Best Performers Ceremony QE 31 Mar 2024

Maj Gen Mahmood Sultan HI (M) Retd presided over the “Monthly Rabta Ijlaas” on 9 Apr 2024. At…

Breast Cancer Awareness – FUI, Oct 2021

Breast cancer awareness: I will fight, I will winRadiology dept of Fauji Foundation Hospital/ Foundation University Medical College…

Breast Cancer Awareness – Kashmir, Oct 2021

Oncology department FFH contributes not only towards patient care but also in generating awareness about Breast Cancer as…

Breast Cancer Awareness at FFH

Alhamdo lillah “Team Oncology” marked the start of PINKTOBER with a symposium on “Multidisciplinary Approach for the Management…

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